Thursday, May 7, 2015

Meet Jon Mir - Project Director at Lander

This month we'll continue to learn about the team of people who are part of Lander. This time we would like to talk about Jon Mir, Project Director at LANDER.

Jon became a part of the company in February 2009. Until then he had worked as a consultant for Accenture in Barcelona after finishing his Industrial Automation and Electronics Engineering studies.

From the start, he has gradually specialised particularly in the railway department of LANDER thanks to the numerous projects he has taken part in. Straight after joining us, he had to travel across the pond, as he took part in the Sao Paulo Metro Project. After that, he had his first project with a replica cabin, for the STC in Mexico, also the first system to incorporate the CBTC system. This was followed by other projects such as the CPTM project in Brazil and the Vía Quattro project, also in Brazil.

During his career at LANDER, he has not only directed simulator development projects tailored to each customer, but he has also participated in a number of R&D projects such as the Control Post simulator.

We can say of Jon that, in addition to being a good project manager, he stands out because of his customer-focused approach and his close relationship with them.

But he is not only dedicated to his projects, in his free time he is also a very keen music lover, among other things. He has told us that he is part of a group of DJs called "We are Lasaña"!

At Lander we wish you every success in everything you undertake. Congratulations for all these years together!