Wednesday, May 3, 2017

15th EUROGAP Marketing Forum, the Digital Revolution

Last week, San Sebastián hosted the 15th EUROGAP Marketing Forum in the Kursaal conference centre under the title Determination. The key to building value in your business. The session was chaired by Pilar Jericó — one of the best Spanish analysts of emerging themes around business management and top Spanish speaker on management, owing to her clear and innovative vision for business strategies — and addressed themes related to generating value in businesses and decision-making capacity.

The Digital Revolution, or Fourth Industrial Revolution,

is slowly reinforcing the importance of a carefully managed digital presence to industrial companies. We’re aware of the need to place value at centre stage in adapting to these new requirements on businesses. LANDER has always been driven by technology and continues to support important analysis plans and business models that adjust to the cultural change we’re currently experiencing.

Congratulations from LANDER to EUROGAP for organising the forum. We can't wait to attend the 16th edition!