Railway simulators
Over 400 simulators across the five continents.
From the onset, LANDER has aimed to be a global company. Thanks to this focus, our more than 400 railway simulators around the world speak more than 10 different languages and are catered to the specific characteristics of countries from every corner of the globe.
We develop simulators for all types of vehicles, and the characteristics are adapted to the different training needs of each customer
Replica, multipurpose, compact simulators and much more, in a fixed or mobile classroom
Replica cab training station
When maximum realism is required, the traditional simulators offer a total immersion environment.
- 1:1 replica of the driver’s cab
- Each and every one of the train’s controls and HMIs
- Surround sound system
- Train driver’s seat
- Student-passenger and student-instructor communications
- Virtual train for the representation of elements outside the cabin
- Possibility of including motion platform: Full cab (6 GDL) or under seat
- Front, side and rear display system
- Webcam to monitor the student

Replica desk training station
This combines the realism of the cab with the versatility of a compact design that optimises space.
- Exact replica of the driving desk
- Every single control and HMI on the desk
- Train driver’s seat with possibility of platform under the seat
- Stereo sound system with reliable reproduction of railway sounds
- Student-passenger and student-instructor communications
- Virtual train for the representation of elements external to the desk
- State-of-the-art television front display system
- Webcam to monitor the student
Multipurpose training station
The most versatile and scalable solution with a high degree of realism.
- Simulates different vehicles in the same training station
- Appropriate combination of real controls + virtual controls
- Stereo sound system with reliable reproduction of railway sounds
- Quick and easy change of vehicle without tools
- Student-passenger and student-instructor communications
- Train driver’s seat with possibility of platform under the seat
- Virtual train for the representation of elements outside the cabin
- State-of-the-art television front display system
- Webcam to monitor the student

Compact training station
An additional tool that will allow the customer to reach a greater number of students.
- Easy to install in any space
- Portable desk with wheels
- Real controls + virtual controls
- Respect for the ergonomics of the station
- Stereo/headphone sound system and reliable reproduction of railway sounds
- Student-passenger and student-instructor communications
- The same functionality as the rest of the simulators
- Fibreglass construction with interior reinforcement
- Virtual train for the representation of elements external to the desk
- State-of-the-art television front display system
- Webcam to monitor the student
Auxiliary tools
Within the framework of a simulator project, LANDER develops auxiliary solutions that allow our customers to provide training that covers all of their requirements.
These solutions can be through PCs, tablets, VR glasses, etc. These options are selected according to the suitability of each tool for the required training objectives