Monday, September 19, 2016

LANDER, second place at the IV. “Empresas que se mojan” competition

Yesterday, Sunday, the 4th Edition of the swimming competition for companies, “Empresas que se mojan” (Companies that take the plunge) was held in San Sebastian.  A competition that seeks to promote relationship and commitment among workmates, strengthening ties beyond the workplace.

At around 12:30 pm, a multitude of men’s, mixed and women’s teams formed by 3 members waited side by side for the starting pistol to swim the 1000 m that this competition consists of.

Among them were three members of the hardware team from LANDER, ready to give

it their best. Together they jumped into the water, and despite the difficulties they found halfway there to keep together, they managed to complete the race as a team.

Their enormous joint effort resulted in a second place in the men’s race, which was the icing on the cake for the work carried out. Now, they are willing to participate next year too, and try to win the race!

Congratulations to the three of them for this great accomplishment, which the company can proudly boast about.