Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Public Transport System of Mexico City (STC) is celebrating its 50th anniversary

The Public Transport System of Mexico City (STC) is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Congratulations!

On 17 June government officials from the Mexican capital, including representatives from the Secretariat of Public Works (SOBSE) and the Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT), staged a special event to mark the occasion. The head of the SCT, Jorge Gaviño, announced that an Advisory Committee will be set up to support the government in deciding on how to further expand and improve the Metro system, which already features 12 lines, 195 stations and helps millions of users get around the city.

The city’s Secretary of Public Works, Édgar Tungüí Rodríguez, then unveiled a commemorative plaque to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the start of construction work on the underground. Also in attendance at the ceremony were a number of pioneering figures from the sector, including Carolina Ávila, Servando Delgado, Héctor Polanco, Daniel Ruiz, Víctor Ortiz and José Luis Buendía.

The National Trade Union of the Mexico City Metro is also to be congratulated for its tireless work in improving the service the underground offers to citizens of the Mexican capital.

We are proud to have played our small part in helping to improve the training of Metro machinists and operators by developing and installing the Line 12 simulator.

We wish them all a further 50 wonderful years of success.